Quality and Environmental Policy

Autor: markoja
event 01.03.2022.

The strategic objective of MARKOJA d.o.o. is quality while preserving natural resources – continuous improvement of the quality and environmental management system and focus on clients as the center of all business moves.

The market dictates high standards regarding the prices, quality, and deadlines of the execution of services and the supply of products we offer, and thus we have to respond to the demands quickly, professionally, and with high quality.

The long-term objectives of MARKOJA d.o.o. company’s Quality and Environmental Policy are:

  • complete client satisfaction and satisfaction of all needs,
  • close cooperation and development with suppliers – partnership in the realization of client demands,
  • motivation of employees and continuous care about their education, in order to improve the quality of products and services,
  • continuous improvement of the quality and environmental management system,
  • waste management according to the principles of good waste management practices,
  • prevention of environmental pollution,
  • continuous improvement of the environmental impact,
  • harmonization of business operations with legal regulations,
  • use of all resources under sustainable development principles.

All employees are familiar with the Quality and Environmental Policy, which they accept, understand, and apply in their day-to-day activities and the execution of assigned tasks.

We have subordinated the strategy and business policy to the achievement of the stated goals, and we are a reliable partner to current and future clients through our quality service.