In 30 months, the largest domestic sea port at the top of the port business will also become the first smart one thanks to the installation of a private 5G SA network.
Hotel Excelsior u Lovranu bio je 21. i 22. ožujka domaćin godišnje konferencije „Civilna zaštita i sigurnost gradova” (SIGG) u organizaciji časopisa Zaštita, pod pokroviteljstvom Općine Lovran, Primorsko-goranske županije te Platforme hrvatskih županija i gradova za smanjenje rizika od katastrofa.
On March 21 and 22, Hotel Excelsior in Lovran hosted the annual “Civil Protection and Crisis Management” (SIGG) conference, organized by the professional journal Zaštita, under the auspices of the Municipality of Lovran, Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and the Croatian Counties/Cities Disaster Risk Reduction Platform.
The company Markoja saw funding allocated within the framework of NextGenerationEU, and an investment project has already been launched with the aim of improving cybersecurity, which will ultimately increase the competitiveness and resilience of SMEs through the use of digital technologies.
U okviru instrumenta NextGenerationEU, tvrtki Markoja dodijeljena su financijska sredstva i ulagački projekt već je pokrenut s ciljem unaprjeđenja kibernetičke sigurnosti, što će u konačnici povećati konkurentnost i otpornost poduzeća korištenjem digitalnih tehnologija.
The project “Enhancing public services of Ploce Port Authority via implementing 5G connectivity” carried out by the Port Authority of Ploče and Markoja has been selected by the European Commission for co-financing in the amount of 958,125 euros under the second round of CEF Digital call for the deployment of a secure, protected, and sustainable 5G network in the Member States.
Projekt „Unapređenje javnih usluga luke Ploče putem implementacije 5G povezivosti“ koji provode Lučka uprava Ploče i Markoja odabran je za sufinanciranje Europske komisije u iznosu od 958.125 eura u sklopu drugog kruga CEF Digital poziva namijenjenog uvođenju sigurne, zaštićene i održive 5G mreže u zemljama članicama.